Increased Awareness courses & Dowsing Earth Energies courses

Level 1 Course - Learning new ways to sense these the Earth Energies -A One day workshop held in the city of Bath in the UK.

This initial course will teach you the basics of how to become more sensitive to these Earth Energy lines and how to control your level of awareness so that you are not adversely affected by these energies wherever you come across them. This course includes a quick way to become competent at dowsing which is one of the ways we use to improve awareness.

Aims – To reach a basic level of understanding about dowsing and to be able to dowse Earth Energy lines.

Objectives – To achieve a base level competence in dowsing Earth energy lines by being able to demonstrate proficiency in the 15 core competencies associated with this course so that you can go on to dowse the differences in Earth energies in the area in which you live.

Questions addressed in this course

How to increase your focus and awareness so that you become more attuned to the World around you? How to find the best dowsing methods to use and when to use them and which ones are best for you. Is your rod control leading you astray? Have you picked up misleading habits? How can I quickly learn to dowse from scratch? Where can I find a refresher course to iron out the bad habits that currently inhibit my dowsing skills from progressing? How to quickly differentiate between different types of energy lines? When to use self-suggestion and when not to? How to build belief though sound feedback mechanisms? 

You will be taught 15 Core Competencies in this course

You will be sent details of these after you have signed up for the course and just before it starts

Course completion

All Course 1 delegates will receive an analysis of where they reached competency in specified areas. They will also receive feedback on the core competencies that they will need to work on if they are to achieve full proficiency at the end of the second course.

The numbers on this course are purposely kept low so learning can be done at a faster rate. It generally runs from 10.00am in the morning till 5.00pm with a stop for a short lunch break in the middle.


I have just returned from the Level 1 Learn to sense Earth Energies course with Rory Duff.

What a fantastic, inspiring day!

I have wanted to learn to dowse for years; I had previously tried to teach myself by reading books and studying online tutorials, but just ended up with too many different instructions and a lot of discouragement.

I came to Bath hoping by the end of the day to at least have a clear idea of how dowsing should be done and at best to have a reliable response from my rods. I was amazed to find that we covered all of that within minutes !

Rory is hugely knowledgeable, patient and encouraging there was lots of time to ask questions and although we all arrived as strangers we had a shared interest so it was very easy to make new friends !

There was so much packed into to the day that I'm still processing it all, but I now know I can dowse and can't wait to go and explore in my local area !

If you've ever felt confused or disillusioned by dowsing this course is the very best place to learn. Don't put it off any longer, just book today and add a whole new dimension to your everyday world !  - Sally S. Derby

The Royal Crescent and Circus Bath - two beautiful examples of the architecture found around Bath


Quite a large beginners course in March 2019 but a wonderful day for dowsing in Bath

Click here to book up on a level one course

Level 2 Course - Learn to map all the main Earth energy lines in your area - course designed by Rory Duff

The course will teach you how to map energy lines over an area. Before you attend the course you must however be able to dowse the following different energy lines - the type 1, type 2 and type 3 lines. You should also have done some dowsing of your own on the lines near where you live before doing this course. 

Aims – To be able to map all the major energy lines and their different intersections within an area

Objectives – To be able to reach a base level proficiency in the 10 core competences linked with this course so that you can go on to map the energy lines in an area near to where you live.

Preparation work for this course

Delegates need to be able to evidence that they have dowsed different Earth Energy lines in and around the area where they live.  Preferably this will include type 1,2,3 & 4 lines. You may be asked about this prior to being accepted on to the course. 

Questions addressed in this course

How do you track an energy line without losing it and without going round in circles by being misled by other lines? How can I dowse and tell the differences are between all the different intersections of all the lines? How can I use predictive dowsing to my advantage without getting confused and obtaining results I cannot trust? How can synchronised dowsing help improve my accuracy? How can I map all the Earth Energy lines in and around the area in which I live and why will that be beneficial?  

Delegates will be taught 10 Core Competences for Mapping Earth energies - These will be outlined for you during the course.

Course completion

Those delegates who are successful in being able to display proficiency in all the Course 2 core competencies will receive a level 2 certificate of competence in dowsing and mapping earth energies. Delegates that fail to demonstrate competency in a particular area will receive feedback on what needs more attention. They can still pass the course if they can then evidence improvement in that area. In a few cases it may be necessary, at the discretion of the tutor, to attend a further short course in order to reach full competency in the few areas in which it is needed.  

This course is run so that you can map the lines in and around the area where you live. We use the energy line mapping app for this. This can be found at You will be able to download the App at this site and view the videos on the site that show how to use it. This App helps considerably if you are not good at map reading.


"Finally, 10 months after my first dowsing course with Rory Duff, I made it back to Bath for level 2. It was just what I needed!" 
"I've been practicing as much as possible since the first course and was full of questions, and a bit of confusion.  I was hoping that the course would help me clear up a few tricky areas that I have encountered as I practiced the basics. There is no substitute for a day spent with someone who has Rory's vast experience of dowsing earth energies. As with the first course, I found that my questions were very quickly answered and things became much clearer. The work we did was completely engrossing, and he is full of practical tips and information of the sort that are very hard to come by." 
"We spent an enjoyable and fascinating day tracking energy lines across Bath and doing some more in-depth work on particular lines- how to study them to work out their frequency and looking at bands in lines and what they can show us.  We began to learn to shift our focus between different types of line and learnt about some lines that I had not dowsed before.   With a little test at the end, where we had to put it all into practice!"
"I'm really glad that I had the opportunity to do this. Now I feel more confident about what I am doing, and clearer on what I need to work on to progress." 
"I feel lucky to have found someone who has spent so many years patiently and doggedly tracking earth energies and learning their secrets to pass them on to me and make my progress so much easier.  And it was so good to spend the day with like minds, exchanging ideas and experiences, while taking in the peaceful, soothing vibes of Bath."
"A very full day. Not to be missed, if you get the chance, do it!" - Noirin C. London
Level 2 dowsging course payment button £250. The next course  course will be on the 19th May 2024 Please only pay when your place on the course has been already confirmed. You need to have attended the level one course before this one. 

Level 3 Course - Learn how to do accurate remote dowsing of Earth energy lines

Aims – To be able to do accurate remote dowsing of Earth energy lines

Objectives - To be able to reach a base level proficiency in the 8 core competences linked with this course so that you can go on to do accurate remote mapping of Earth energy lines anywhere in the World.

Preparation work for this course

Prior to doing course three delegates must carry out a short assignment evidencing that they have completed a map showing all the major energy lines in a specific area that must be larger than 1km by 1km. This must be sent to the course tutor before the course starts. This work must be of an acceptable standard based on the core competences displayed in course 2. If the work does not reach this standard the delegate will not be allowed on Course 3 and will have their fee refunded less a deduction for covering the cost of the assessment of their pre course mapping. The assignment information will be sent to you after you have signed up for the course.

Questions that are addressed

If you cannot get to a sacred site or particular line, remote dowsing is necessary. Whether you are a few feet away, a few miles or around the other side of the World from the site you wish to dowse, this workshop shows you how to progress your skill in this area. How to build feedback systems into your remote dowsing? Learn some of the quick tricks to do this fast and effectively. How can I tell what nodes need to be repaired and which ones are fine? How can a knowledge of water dowsing help me understand the problems relating to Earth energy dowsing? What are the main differences between the electromagnetic energies and the sound based energies and what are the implications behind these differences?

You will learn 8 Core Competencies involved in remote mapping dowsing

Course completion

This course is split into three sections. The first is pre course assignment task that needs to reach a certain standard, the second is run over 2 separate practical days with a second assignment of course work to be done in between these two days and the third part of the course is a final distant learning assignment. This must all be completed along with a self-assessment log of dowsing activities that must be started before the beginning of the pre course assignment along with final summary of learning. These must all be submitted before a final deadline. Delegates will only pass if all core competencies have been displayed and the three assignments have reached a suitable standard of competence. Successful delegates will become a level 3 fully certified competent Earth Energy dowser. 

Delegates who pass this course will be able to go on and produce Location checks for clients where they can produce a map of the energy lines in an area and explain any consequences to that client.


Please do not pay for this course unless you have permission to do so. This will have meant passing the intermediate course beforehand.
The price for this course is currently £750. Discounts may be available.

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Level 4 Course – Learn how to repair nodes and to recreate harmonious landscapes

Aims – Learn to become a Master Dowser in Earth Energies and to be able to repair nodes

Objectives - To be able to reach a base level proficiency in the 8 core competences linked with this course so that you know how to go on to repair Earth energy line nodes anywhere in the World.

Preparation work for this course

Submission of six Location checks that have been carried out and an area that has been mapped by the delegate showing where there are nodes and places that need to be repaired.

Questions addressed in this course

How can the geobiology of a landscape be enhanced such that it significantly improves quality of life? How can I attune myself to the landscape in such a way as to recognise and become aware of changes to the patterns and rhythms of the geobiology of that landscape? How can I take into account the more unseen aspects of a landscape in order to more fully assist in the creating of a harmonious place? When should I recognise that extra help is needed in order to fully complete the task of returning a landscape to its most optimum state at a particular point in time?

You will be taught 8 Core Competencies

Course completion

To complete this course a delegate needs to first pass an assessment of the pre course assignment material presented. This is followed by a period of 1:1 coaching which is a mixture of practical and distant learning times for communication on the  basis of as and when it is needed and based on the tutors own assessment of the competency and knowledge of the delegate. Delegates will each have to have also covered a basic learning to dowse for water course and have developed the rudimentary skills to determine if water is present beneath and area and whether it is moving or static. The course is concluded with the successful submission and assessment of a ‘before’ and ‘after’ map of a project area that has been mapped both before and after repairing the nodes in the area that needed repairing. This must be accompanied by a self-assessment of the project that outlines key areas of learning and experiences throughout the course along with a final summary and course reflection note.


Successful delegates will get a level 4 certificate in Advanced Earth Energies studies and will earn the title Master Dowser in Earth Energies.

The cost for this course is currently £2500 and is expected to take around 4 months to complete. You can only do this course is you have successfully completed the level 3 course.