Welcome to my website

My work now is in the field of Geobiology and for the last 7 years I have been trying to follow a path in my life that is driven by exploring the synchronicity that I come across. It has led me to some amazing experiences and to learn many new things. More recently is has led me to developing the The Sacred Network website which is now up and running and everyone can now register and join. In addition to that I have been working on The Sacred Path learning modules. These have now been through a 3 year testing phase with three groups of people. These are designed to help groups of people prepare for the coming evolution of consciousness which we see happening in our changing energetic environment. If you would like to join these modules and perhaps also to become a facilitator of them too, then please join the Sacred network and the Sacred path modules public group there. We have facilitators who have been through all these modules who are now looking to form new groups.

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June 1st Quarterly newsletter- This is now available to read - just download the pdf from my newsletter page. This includes some new thinking about the Giza plateau in Egypt and when the Pyramids were built as well as a sacred island that was there before they were put up. An inverse and perverted form of thinking amongst the wealthy and powerful in the 17th & 18th century seems to still be the way a few people think in the world today and this is why these people continually want war. Much more as well.....    

There are only a few places left for the London seminar on the 22nd June but several free for the other two in July. some of the latest observations on group meditation are combined with what has been learnt from many different groups around the "World going back many centuries. 

London Meditation Seminars 22nd June, 6th July & Group meditation workshop 20th July booking links - click here  - Discover what has been recently learnt about more effective and deeper meditation and also how much more effective group meditation can be.

The Emerald Awakening Seminar in Ireland just to the West of Dublin on 6th - 9th August - for more information click here - Discover just how Ireland is beginning to awaken and how we can accelerate this by working on the major energy lines and their nodes in the country. 

10-03-24 Update...  Warning do not download this pdf unless you want a challenging read. - The challenge I posed in my March newsletter is proving to be very testing for some people = the pdf can now be downloaded here.

The Sacred network update - Due to an attack on the website via one of the word press plug ins, this site is not operating with full functionality. This is not a small problem as we find coding has been inserted into the site that is repeated causing the site to fail. Our apologies for this. Engineers and working on this. An update on their progress will be in the June newsletter.

My new Novel 'The Grail Hunter' is now available on Amazon - click here

It was written for many reasons but one was to show how synchronicity can and should be explored and how this can help us in our life. Please click here to find out more about this book and to read the 1st 10 pages. All I can say is that I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. There are reviews if you would like to read them.

Social Media

You TubeRory Duff channel and the Holy Grail Found documentary - click here

InstagramFollow the latest thoughts down the rabbit hole of truth - click here

Facebook pageLeyline science links secret societies and hidden knowledge to prophecies Click here

Twitter page @RoryDuff8 - click here

Wisdom of the Ages podcast with Ayn Sullivan - click here

An increasing amount of my time is now being taken up with doing more research as well as writing my newsletters but all of this is unpaid work. It has been suggested by a few kind people that I set up a donate button in order to help with this. For this reason I have now added a donate button below and would gratefully appreciate any contributions you might care to make.

Get a free digital book that covers the full range of my research. Click here to get to the page where you can download this free pdf digital book with over 500 pages, 200+ images and hundreds of hyperlinks. It contains all my first 200 Social Media posts with additional material on how Geobiology is reinterpreting so much in the World and forcing us to think differently about much of our past and our future.

Here are just a few of the things that have been uncovered

The locations of powerful ancient and new sacred sites

New interpretations of ancient Hebrew symbology

The connection between the Grail and the Grail Quest 

The Knights Templar strategy for finding the Grail

New interpretations of old prophecies

The coming evolution of consciousness

Finding one's vocation & purpose in life

What is causing large scale mental illness & how to counter this

A Leonardo da Vinci Prophecy

The Earth's inner core acting like a Transducer

A deliberate misdirection in the teaching of Prayer and Meditation

How where we live can cause ill health & Cancer

How sacred places increase the chance for Healing & Harmony

A new interpretation of Jung's red book images

How ancient civilizations received advanced warning of solar catastrophe

A first ever full interpretation of Goethe’s Fairy tale

Rosslyn Chapel's greatest secret

What we now have to prepare for and why

Many of these things I discuss in my social media posts

The 2nd edition of my book Guide to Leylines, Earth Energies, Nodes and Large Vortexes is now available. Click here to have a quick look at the detail before buying it direct from the online printer.




Location check Are you living in a healthy energy area or is it slowly killing you?click for more

Finding Sacred sites A Sacred site search and a full Geobiological survey service to locate and create special sites nearest to where you live. click for more

Learn to quickly sense these Earth EnergiesIncrease and control your levels awareness when it is necessary to differentiate between these energies. click for more

Coaching - Need help going through the coming changes? Do you feel you have a higher purpose yet still not quite sure what. Coaching can help -click for more


The Grail HunterA novel about a young woman called Rowena Colleen who is searching for purpose and love in her life as she becomes entwined with a 900 year old quest for the Grail click for more

Grail FoundHow the Templar Grail was found in South East Spain through the solving of three centuries old mysteries. click for more

Grail BoundDiscover the common universal prophecy and the coming Golden Age. Everything is pointing towards 2024/2025 for a possible evolution of consciousness. click for more

The Key to the Secret How to create the reality we need and find our vocational path from experts in scientific and esoteric fields. click for more

Guide to Leylines 1st ever full classification of Earth Energy lines and nodes - essential reading for mapping earth energy lines and understanding what causes them. click for more

Dowsing Observations - My first attempts at trying to understand more about Earth Energy lines and what they were -click for more

The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily (interpretation)Goethe’s most enigmatic Fairy Tale, that even Rudolf Steiner failed to fully understand, reveals the true nature of the coming transformation of consciousness and the full nature of reality and all its Worlds.   click for more

The Celtic Kingfisher - A novel set in pre-Roman Celtic times about a storyteller who witnesses an omen -click for more

Workshops Seminars, Mysteries and Excursions

The Grail Seminar & Workshop - A one day event that delves deeper than the Grail books that includes practical tools for preparation for the coming changes click for more

The Templar Window - An enigmatic set of symbols that have never been deciphered before that has a local legend that states that when they have been interpreted it will change the World for good. click for more

The Evolution of Consciousness

The Awakening Golden AgeThis has become such a hot topic with the recent astronomical observations and earth energy changes. I have had to put together a one day seminar/workshop for it all. Click here for more information

Astronomical and Geobiological indicatorsWhat are the key indicators that are happening right now that show we are on track for major change. - this will be published shortly


A Blueprint for lifeImagine if you had been told all about the true nature of reality and your purpose in life when you were in your teens. How much might that have helped you now? Sign up to the newsletter and receive this free six page blueprint that is not available anywhere else. Click here for the contact page

Discounts – By signing up to the newsletter you will also get send details of discounts off of the courses, seminars, workshops and books when the newsletters are sent out.


Location check

The picture to the left shows just three types of earth energy lines found across the centre of the city of Bath in the UK. There are many more. They run through nearly 1 in every 2 houses now. The frequencies that can cause ill health are found in around 1 in six houses. If you live in these places for too long, you are taking a chance with your long term health. In China nearly all house purchasers have the energies checked before buying (Feng shui). Now we understand more about how sound can be bad for you - even when you cannot hear it, it is not difficult to understand why. Get your location checked. If there is a problem and the solution is simple this is included in the price. For more details on what is included in this service please click here.

Finding sacred sites

Meditation, finding balance and harmony in your life and work is much easier if you can spend some time on special sound intersections. These are places where beneficial frequencies can lead to greater creativity and the ability to help find what you need in life. They will help keep you and return you to good health and they will even provide you with a  greater 'oneness' with nature. Geobiologists have learnt how to find these places. We cannot all live next to or near to powerful energy centres, but we can still find extremely strong sacred sites near to where you live. For you to benefit from this, there is a sacred site service available for you. If you would like to read more about this service please click here

If you require a whole area to be energetically checked and to be enhanced as much as possible, (A typical request here would  be for retreats and large estates), this requires a full Geobiological survey. Please click here to find out more information.

Learn to quickly sense these Earth Energies

Where we teach you these things we know where the energies are found. The linear concentrations of sound have been mapped. When you learn to detect them yourself on your own, you will be able to check your finding on the map. This feedback enables you to build your confidence and your sensitivity to different fields of energies. This teaching enhances your sense of awareness and focus which in turn takes you along your journey into discovering more about the World, your place in it and what you need to be doing. With practice and by doing more of the courses, you will find that your levels of awareness are seriously helping many other areas of your life and work. For more details please click here.


Coaching to find success in life has been popular for many years. The type of coaching  you will get here though, offers something extra. It is to help you find your true vocation in life and to develop that purpose into something meaningful and exhilarating that leads to a growing self esteem. With the coming transformational changes and the new waves of energy arriving, coaching takes on a new air of significance and direction. With what has been learnt from the Grail stories and the Templar art of manifestation, Rory us now able to offer you individual 1:1 coaching to help you reach the subconscious goals you knew you always had within you. Click here for more information.


The Grail Hunter

Sick of being continually embarrassed by her flirtatious boyfriend, fed up with the tediousness of her work and the lack of career opportunities, Rowena Colleen reaches breaking point and storms out of her current life. Taking the midnight ferry to France, her escapism turns into opportunity for adventure and exploration. Having learnt the need to explore synchronicities, she soon begins to find her own unique path in life.

With knowledge gained from her trips to Paris, Chartres, Rennes le Chateau and two almost unknown Knight Templar chapels, she uncovers an ancient quest to find the Grail and the truth behind it. This turns out to be a truth that the Roman church at the time appears to have been trying to suppress. Click here to find out more and to read the first 20 pages


Grail Found

Back in 2012 I arranged an expedition to the South East of Spain in order to find  an intersection of the largest and most powerful Earth energy lines that exist on the World. I had developed a simple strategy for finding this intersection. Having surprisingly found this place associated with a new archaeological Bronze Age site, I then tracked these major Emperor Dragon sound energy lines back up through Spain and into France and came across two almost unknown Templar sites with mysteries associated with each place. This led to discovering that the strategy we had been following was the same that these Templars had been using in order to find their Holy Grail. A documentary on this is available to see via this site and my youtube page but this only manages to capture around 10% of the overall information.This book Grail Found covers much more of that detail and goes on to unravel and full decipher three mysteries that were discovered along the way. For more information on this book please click here 

Grail Bound

This is the sequel to the book Grail Found. Having done further research on these major Earth Energy lines - the Emperor Dragons - and in particular where they were and what was causing them to behave and act differently from all the other Earth energy lines, it was discovered that the answers linked up with several prophecies around the World. Indeed what appeared was a common theme to these prophecies that linked with these Energy lines and a timescale emerged for when these coming events were likely to happen. It appears that there was no connection to the precession of the equinoxes but much more with the cosmic energies connected to Galactic outbursts of energy and our three lowering magnetic shields. The implications of all this are quite staggering and ,if right, are quite simply the most important thing in the World at this moment. Some people are already sensing something is about to happen. This book will explain why and what and when and how. For more information on this book please click here 


The Key to the Secret of the Ancients

The Secret of the ancients was all about manifestation. How to bring into existence all that you need for your life. Today it is called the law of attraction and is used by people all around the World in order to be successful. However in studying and researching geobiology and where that led, it became apparent that our ancient ancestors were also aware of the laws behind manifestation. In particular the key to it that makes it work to a high degree of success. This book is about that key and how it was once used and how it can b used again. It also contains the explanations from experts in Science as well as information that has come directly from interviews with some of the Worlds best Healers, Psychic detectives, Remote viewers and Mediums. To learn more please click here 

Dowsing Observations 

This is a book about observations made when dowsing Earth Energy lines over a period of 8 years. During this time a map of all the major 30 pace wide earth energy lines in England & Wales was drawn up. The lines were found to move from side to side with regular repeating patterns that are termed signatures. The book outlines many of these different signatures and gives the reader clues on how to find them and how to avoid making the same mistakes that the author had to solve along the way. The book also shows for the first time that all the energy lines can move in harmony with one another at certain times throughout the year and that our ancestors must have known about this. For more information please click here


A guide to Leylines, Earth Energies and Nodes

I have put together this little pocket guide book as a result of over 15 years of dowsing these Earth Energy lines and from producing the first ever large scale map of all the major lines across North Wiltshire - an area of 40 km by 70 km. This took over 6 years to complete and I mapped over 10,000 miles of lines - none of which was done remotely and all by visiting each location often several times. What I learnt from this and subsequent studies on the nature of these lines and their rhythm and patterns of movement over time, has led to the production of the first ever classification of these lines. This book also includes the first ever scientific explanation for what is causing these lines. This on its own indicates a huge potential for furthering research in these areas which will lead to many benefits for mankind. If you would like more information please click here


The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily - a new translation and interpretation of Goethe's Fairy tale

Sheer synchronicity brought me to finding out about Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's Fairy Tale and Rudolf Steiner's almost lifetime study of it. Some of this came to Goethe in a dream vision and both he and Steiner admitted that they had failed to fully grasp the complete interpretation of the  story. With the new understanding of the symbols for Earth Energy lines and nodes it became immediately obvious what they key symbols in this book were referring to. It was the only the Green Snake that knew when the 'Time was at Hand' and when the final prophecy would occur. In this book I have added a modern translation and a full step by step interpretation of all the symbolism going on in the story. This includes Rosicrucian and Freemasonry symbols as well as some ancient hermetic ones. The result has Earth shattering consequences for our understanding about the nature of reality, life and death as well as for the timing of the coming prophecy. For more information please click here. You will also find a recording on this page that you can listen to. This is the modern translation of the fairy tale being read by myself.

The Celtic Kingfisher

The story is about a young man and his desire in life to become a storyteller. The book gives the reader an idea of what it must have been like to have lived in those times with the difficulties they faced as well as the joys and hopes of communities back then. The hero's tale is brought back to life in this adventure as he witnesses omens and has to overcome the evil cult of the dead to find a mystical many gifted man who is the only person who can help him in his quest. For more information and to read the first couple of pages please click here

The Grail Seminar/Workshop

I could not include all the information iI have learned in the books I have written. Not only would it have made them much  longer , and they are already contain many pages, but also because some information is just too sensitive to release without it being properly explained and experienced to an audience that already has a good level of understanding of the overall subject matter. For this reason this one day seminar/workshop is only open to those people who have read the books Grail Found and Grail Bound. Aside from new information, this seminar is also a workshop as there will be several practical elements in it throughout the day. These have been designed as tools to help you prepare to become mentally stronger and fitter. For more information on this Seminar/ Workshop please click here.

The Knights Templar window at Caravaca de la Cruz

A small window in an almost unknown Templar chapel in the South of Spain has 42 mysterious symbols all around it that have never before been deciphered. The local legend says that if ever they were, it would change the World for good.

The fact that this place is also one of the top five most holy Christian places in the World makes it even more of an interesting site. The full hidden meaning of this message is revealed in the book Grail Found as is the open message it was disguised within. The location of this filled in window, also called the Apparition window, is in a small room within the Sanctuario church. Also in that room are four wall paintings with latin texts beneath them. No one has studied these in detail before with the full message in mind. What they reveal is nothing short of dynamite to the Roman Catholic faith as the tell the story of what the Knights Templars here really thought. For more information on the window, please click here. 


It seems that where we live and where we spend our time can have a significant influence on our life. A locations Geobiological Energy can be either good or bad for us when it comes to our health and our success.

It all depends on the frequencies of these Energies and how they interact with one another. Fortunately there are things that can now be done to create more harmonious spaces.

Geobiology is the study of how Life affects the Earth and how the Earth affects Life.  The latter is the area under study here.    

This relatively new subject covers several areas but of interest to Rory Duff is the energy that comes from the centre of the Earth. The inner core of the planet is solid Iron and Nickel. This is thought to rotate within the molten outer core. This  rotation occurs for several reasons with one of them being because of the natural spin of the Earth.  The Iron and Nickel core is also now thought to behave like a natural transducer. This means it has the ability to convert one form of energy into another. (Iron and Nickel transducers are commonly used in Microphones and Speakers to convert electrical energy into sound energy and back again)

Electromagnetic Energy from the liquid outer core and Energy from neutrinos from Cosmic energy that comes from the Sun and Active Galactic Nucelii  arrive at the Inner core. This continuous source of energy is now thought to be converted (Transduced) into ultra low frequency Sound and Electrical energy which emanates as spherical standing waves outwards towards the surface of the Earth.

These spherical high and low pressure waves naturally form linear patterns on the surface of the Earth.

Several types of electromagnetic waves and several groups of ultra-low frequency sound waves can be detected. The straight lines they all make on the surface run in several directions and this means that they regularly cross over other linear high pressure zones.  

It has been found that these high pressure zones found on the surface of the Earth, and where they intersect with one another, can have a major impact on a person’s life.

This is especially the case if we live or work for too long on these places.

In many cases living on these frequencies is fine. In some cases it can actually be extremely positive for a person, however there are certain specific groups, with specific frequencies, of energy that have been found to cause stress, depression, illness and disease.

In a few places, at specific times, and where these energies have been 'tuned', they can provide an invigorating experience. You will then find greater levels of positivity, enthusiasm, happiness and peacefulness.

Just imagine if you could hear these sounds. Some you would hate and some you would love. Our bodies and their cells are in a constant state of vibration and these sounds either resonate well with ours or they don't.

If you would like where you live or work checked to see what energies may be affecting you, I do location checks. This includes making an assessment and, if necessary, delivering a solution that will make major improvements in your life. 

Learn more…………….. 


Is where you live slowly killing you?

Some German Scientists and Doctors seem to think so.

Read more....

How can I benefit from a positive Geobiological space ?

Click here.....

Learn more about having your own sacred place


Location Check

For more information on getting a quick check on the Sound and Electromagnetic energies where you live and/or work - click here

Are the frequencies be affecting you ?

The above map of linear energy concentrations just shows three fields of energy across the City of Bath in the UK. In reality there are several more fields of electromagnetic and sound energy. Over 50% of us live, sleep and work in high pressure  ultra-low frequency sound areas. Of this number a further 20% of us will be affected by frequencies that are detrimental to our health. This is especially the case if you have lived there for a long period of time. 

Learn more .....


Are you Stressed or Depressed ?

Have you ever wondered why you might be stressed or depressed for no particular reason. Or perhaps there are reasons in your life to feel this way but the intensity level of your stress and depression is much higher than you think you ought to have. After years of study we know that if you live, sleep or work on any of these lines, it will intensify your emotions. This can be both good and bad for you. If you are being negatively affected in this way, this need not be the case.

Learn more.....


Do you have a persistent health problem that has been difficult to pinpoint why?

Do you have a persistent illness or disease that does not seem to want to go away, despite medical treatment? If yes, it might be that you are living or working on one of the energy zones that is vibrating on a frequency that is detrimental to human cells. This situation could be worsened further if you are living on top of an area that has water in. Due to its potential to store energy, water seems to amplify the negative effect and lead to even worse problems. In addition that if you are using a lot of electrical components, that too will lead to a disharmonious energetic environment.  A location check by one of our consultants will see if where you are living or working may be damaging your health. If you are, they will be able to recommend some solutions that will help improve health.

Learn more.....


Are you looking to create a very special place to live or to work?

Just as some frequencies of these energies can be bad for you, others can be exceedingly helpful. Where they run, where they cross over each other can be places where you can greatly benefit. You may be looking for increased creativity, greater intuition, deeper inner peace or even just higher levels of happiness. Imagine a bath of sound that resonates well with every cell in your body. Just how much more do you think you will accomplish in your life. Our consultants have learnt to understand the patterns of energy that best suit these outcomes and how to tailor solutions so that you can make the most of these energies.

Learn more........

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